Team: Peter Schlosser and Matthew Busscher
Playground Rules is a critique on the typical ways people train and the architecture that supports these activities. Most sports facilities are single buildings designed to house a wide range of training activities. This creates highly specialized architecture where a single building must host all of the programmatic complexities that go into modern sports training. The goal of Playground Rules is to decentralize this traditional model and instead disperse all of those programs throughout the city to create an interconnected system of architectural follies, sports fields, parks, and other interactive interventions that foster physical interaction. Playground Rules is a departure from the modern understanding of training as a pseudo-scientific activity that focuses on optimization and instead works to return to the idea of playing, with movements such as jumping, running, ducking, swinging, and climbing. The dispersal of these interventions creates opportunities to constantly engage and be active as one travels throughout the city. People have the opportunity to be passively active and engage each intervention individually or use them like an interconnected network where the movement between them is equally as integral to training as the activities of the specific interventions.